Anticipation is rising for coaches and athletes alike as the spring sport season draws nearer. Boys lacrosse coach Kevin Curtin feels excited for the upcoming season. “I am always excited for spring sports,” Curtin said. “But with excitement there is anxiety to fulfill your goals.” When it comes to goalContinue Reading

The Robotics club, led by president and sophomore Julia Kroeper, began working towards their goal of competing on an international venue. “Robotics club is a division of FRC, which is an international robotics competition,” Kroeper said. “The competition this year is called ‘Stronghold,’ and we will be building a robotContinue Reading

It’s difficult to argue that summer vacation isn’t a great time. After a grueling school year and its dizzyingly cathartic end, a long break seems almost vital for us all to keep forging on. However, summer vacation is an exercise in excess. German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus presented the forgetting curveContinue Reading

  For the 50th Super Bowl, the NFL recently gifted Marshall three commemorative golden footballs in honor of three alumni who have played in the Super Bowl: Keith Lyle, Mike McCrory and Nick Sorensen. All of the graduates were members of participating Super Bowl teams for three consecutive years, fromContinue Reading

When comparing the subjects of a standard curriculum, English tends to exclusively own the right to student interpretation, yet it is still important not to lose this aspect of exploration in other classes. In History courses, a majority of the lesson plan consists of the memorization and regurgitation of unwaveringContinue Reading

As educators continue the centuries old quest for silver bullet solutions to transform the education system, they have progressively proposed more and more radical reforms. While the ideas often address real issues with the current education system, they often slash away vital aspects of education without thinking through all ofContinue Reading

Our generation has grown accustomed to avoiding the pursuit of love, and instead we have turned to immediacy and a ‘no strings attached’ approach to relationships, which coincidentally has caused a very sensitive and imbalanced state of trust and respect among partners. Pressure, expectation and the shaming of conventional loveContinue Reading