April is Animal Cruelty Awareness month, and the charities that focus on the prevention of that issue range from all-encompassing organizations such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to more focused groups like Bat Conservation International. Animal cruelty prevention groups share a few core sentiments.Continue Reading

While freedom of speech exists in countries all across the world, few things are more emblematic of American society than the right of citizens to openly criticize even the most powerful politicians without fear of retribution. The libel laws that protect journalists, however, have come under fire in the presidentialContinue Reading

Uber, a multinational online transportation network, has provided over a billion rides as of Dec. 30, according to Uber Newsroom. Despite the under 18 ban for solo riders,  high schoolers make up a portion of these billion rides. “I use Uber, I’d say like twice a month, because I onlyContinue Reading

Every pet is different, with individual personalities and traits. Each pet owner treats their relationship with their animal differently. Freshman Emily Grace has owned Tris and Izzy, two guinea pigs, for around two years. “We found someone who couldn’t keep them anymore because their son was allergic to the food,Continue Reading

Minecraft Club’s co-presidents, senior Garrett Brothers and junior Hahnuel Shin, led an interest meeting on March 11 in C106 and since then have held informative meetings as part of the club’s informal structure. The co-presidents came up with the club as a place for Minecraft enthusiasts to play alongside theirContinue Reading

photo courtesy of Fernando Uribarri

IB Spanish classes went to the GALA Hispanic Theatre on April 15 where they watched Chronicle of a Death Foretold. The play is based off of a book by Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez, which some of the classes had read beforehand. “It was really fun, I think theContinue Reading

While the ESOL program has assisted in integrating non-English speakers into the community, those involved have expressed a desire for a clearer focus on academic assistance. Senior Hanieh Hosseini has taken it upon herself to shape the Welcome Club into an opportunity for the ESOL community to receive academic assistanceContinue Reading

Following multiple assessments during the month of March, the music department has been awarded the Blue Ribbon distinction from the Virginia Music Educators Association. This distinction is awarded to programs whose ensembles in band, choir and orchestra receive superior, the top rating, at their respective assessments. Band director and musicContinue Reading

Thursday, members from a variety of service clubs like National Honors Society, National Science Honors Society, Envirothon, Key Club and Earth Force met after school in the Native Species garden as part of a cleanup effort in celebration of Earth Day. “Some people aren’t a part of any club, theyContinue Reading

The Marshall Mob is a spirited group of volunteers who travel to sports games to promote school pride. However, while they bring passion to football, baseball and basketball games, their presence is often missed at regular season games for teams such as field hockey, lacrosse and soccer. According to juniorContinue Reading