Known by the name DL Action, photographer Jim Halling spends many nights on Marshall’s sidelines capturing moments in time with his Nikon camera, ever since stumbling upon his passion eight years and 1.5 million photos ago. Before photographing sports at Marshall, Halling first explored photography in college. “I was theContinue Reading

17 students and four girls. 15 students and three girls. Those are the rosters of the IB Physics HL classes.  Physics teacher Amy Osborn noted the lack of female enrollment in the class. Osborn said the underrepresentation of women in physics extends beyond high school.  “I think that is aContinue Reading

In Nov. 2022, after two rejected drafts, VDOE was asked by the Virginia Board of Education to create a third draft of the K-12 Social Studies Standards. Released in Jan. 2023, these standards aimed to include elements of the prior two drafted standards. The head of the History Department andContinue Reading

To some, software like ChatGPT is a new way to get work done; for others, it represents a growing fear that teaching is becoming obsolete. ChatGPT is a software that generates writing from prompts submitted by users to assist with tasks like writing emails, recipes and essays. English teacher MatthewContinue Reading