Despite the setback of four starting wrestlers not competing (seniors Varun Scarlett, Ellio Malave, Rocco Munna and freshman Luke Munna), varsity wrestling members placed highly amongst the 28 teams at the two-day tournament at Woodbridge Senior High School on Dec. 29. Senior John Charette placed third in his weight classContinue Reading

During the winter season, some Statesmen prefer to play in an outside basketball league instead of for their high school. Whether it be due to difficulty making high school practices or wanting to compete at a level with less pressure, students choose to play on one of Vienna Youth Incorporated’sContinue Reading

The swim team took their first meet of the year with big wins as the girls team won 212–88 and the boys won 223–81 against Robert E. Lee High School. Dive took first place on both sides of the meet. With a victory on Dec. 4, the swim and diveContinue Reading

On Sept. 26 the cross country team ran at the Pacers Running DC Cross Country Invitational for the first time. With over 50 teams at the event, and two previous years of races under their belt, the team had a fair amount of competition. Distance coach Darrell General  implemented increasinglyContinue Reading

Throughout everyone’s academic career, there has always been pressure to do more. Whether it’s joining a club, being part of a sports team or getting involved in student government, there’s an expectation that students will apply themselves further than the bare minimum. Senior Eduardo Brito-Garcia has taken this one stepContinue Reading