Wrestling, an athletic practice of physical dominance, requires maintaining peak physical and mental shape both in and out of season. With practices all week and tournaments most weekends, wrestlers meet with a number of health and wellbeing challenges. “I think the most challenging thing about wrestling is the consistency,” seniorContinue Reading

High school sports can be stressful enough with the constant pressure to do well and impress coaches all while balancing sports with classes and other extracurriculars. The athlete “stars” of the team have an especially hard job having to constantly meet their coaches expectations and maintain a good reputation allContinue Reading

The varsity boys basketball team picked up a new player in hopes to have one of their best seasons yet. Junior Ben Ayanian transferred from Flint Hill School to be a part of the program. The varsity head coach, Dan Hale, noticed Ayanian’s talent during tryouts. “We test the players inContinue Reading

Sporting events at Marshall are seen as opportunities for students to display school spirit and support sports teams. According to some athletes, a loud, enthusiastic crowd can play a large role in helping them perform. Marshall football has long held the highest game attendance, and there is almost always a largerContinue Reading

History teacher and gymnastics coach Christie McCormick has recently taken maternity leave for her newborn. Her substitute is Charlotte Perpall, the gymnastics coach for several years before McCormick. Assistant athletic director Cornell Williams confirmed Perpall’s return and assured that the athletics program is fully confident that the program won’t skipContinue Reading

The girls soccer program is implementing very specific new requirements for this year’s tryouts after a coaching change, from a timed two mile run to 100 yard sprints. The new varsity coach, Lauren Forshay, follows former head coach Ann Germain who led the varsity squad to three victorious and consecutive conferenceContinue Reading

With all of the types of sports and athletes, it’s easy to forget about the players of the past.  Five alumni were inducted into the Marshall Hall of Fame at the football game on Sep. 9. John Herbots, an alumni honored at the event for his past in track &Continue Reading

Making friends in school can be a challenge for new students, but fall sports can help to create new friendships and rekindle old ones over the course of the season. While most freshmen enter the community with classmates, moving from another country and starting high school brings a challenge ofContinue Reading

The sports department held the annual spring sports banquet on June 6. The banquet began with all the teams together as the coaches and faculty gave speeches and top player awards, but then allowed the various teams to split and hold individual ceremonies. “The spring banquet is about congratulating allContinue Reading

After seven years of coaching the girls varsity soccer team, coaches Ann, Kim and Kelly Germain will no longer be with the team following the latest season. Their departure is due to the busy schedules that each coach has. “It’s a big time commitment and it sort felt like it’sContinue Reading