As a tradition for many Virginia high schools, Marshall hosted this year’s Fanquest. Marshall’s Unified Special Olympics team was created in 2018 following an invitation to their very first Fanquest at Lake Braddock Secondary School. “We invited Robinson and Madison Unified Special Olympics teams to take us on in basketballContinue Reading

In response to a Social-Emotional Learning screener showing only 43% of Marshall students responded favorably in comfort  talking about race, students had an Advisory lesson about difficult conversations.  A school wide equity team made up of staff and students that meets every month helped to create an effective Advisory lessonContinue Reading

Financial aid scams are always an issue in high schools, but risks rise during spring when students are looking to apply to colleges. College and Career Center Specialist Gardener Humphreys said he’s working to provide students with resources to identify and avoid financial aid scams. “People just get stressed aboutContinue Reading

While last week’s new optional masking policy may seem like a factor that changes student life, teachers are equally affected. For French teacher Mary Wittrock, the new policy is a welcome change. “Our [COVID-19] numbers are way down, which is awesome, and I think at this point, it’s the rightContinue Reading

From the transition to virtual learning, to coming back in person, case counts, quarantine, changing mask mandates and changes to curriculum, the pandemic has had many academic side effects. Thinking back on the two year anniversary of school closing due to the pandemic, learning disabilities teacher Laura Champe Mitchell expressedContinue Reading

The choice of whether to unmask or remain masked has become a major decision for students and staff alike since new regulations went into effect on March 1. Virginia’s SB 739 allows parents to elect for their child not to wear a mask at school without submitting a formal reason.Continue Reading

The Virginia House of Delegates passed House Bill 340 on Friday, which would allow students to pursue the Advanced Diploma through Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses in lieu of foreign languages. “I think it’s interesting,” Junior and French 4 student Eleanor Pride said of the bill, “But I thinkContinue Reading