The annual blood drive on Friday, December 2 aimed to make donation simple and accessible for students and faculty. Phlebotomists and medical staff from Inova drew blood from participants. Student volunteers like senior Rubi Neupane also helped organize the event through Leadership classes.  “I wanted to volunteer because I wasContinue Reading

Appearing on TEDx, Dancing with the Stars and even sporting a Grammy Award nomination consideration, musician SaulPaul spoke and sang to freshmen in an Advisory assembly. On his “Be the Change’’ tour, consisting of 100 schools in 32 states, the artist played music and spoke of his own life experiencesContinue Reading

With the start of the new year, Tiffany Powell switches schools to become the new choir director, coming from another High School. Choir teacher Tiffany Powell is new to Marshall, but not to choir. Powell said she taught choir for 17 years at Oakton High School and enjoyed choir whenContinue Reading

Thanks to a new collaboration with MetroBus, students will now have more access to free public transportation to and from school. The Fairfax County Public Schools Board of Supervisors discussed the initiative on September 22 of this year. Students at Justice, Annandale, Falls Church and George C. Marshall High SchoolsContinue Reading

School spirit, sports and senior leaders—it’s a new year, and the Mob is ready to start. The “Marshall Mob” refers to the student section at football, basketball and other sports. Each year two seniors are chosen to lead them. This year, the title belongs to Carolyne Chase and Ben Jones.Continue Reading

The new school year brings a new change for the freshman girl’s basketball team coaching staff. World History and Geography teacher Ashleigh Williams was selected to coach for the 2022-2023 season. She played basketball in college and has coached previously. “I played at Angelo State University in Texas before IContinue Reading

The digital age has given birth to attention challenges in the classroom. This year, the county decided to make a change. Fairfax County Public Schools has implemented a new policy on cell phone use during the school day. Students must keep phones “silenced and put away during all instructional periods,”Continue Reading

On September 27, 2:40 p.m., students across Virginia walked out of class to protest Governor Youngkin’s new school policies, and Marshall walked with them. The new guidelines would prevent transgender students from using bathrooms, joining sports teams, and using pronouns of the gender they identify as.   “It’s a real setbackContinue Reading