Sitting down with student journalists from across the county, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Superintendent Jack Dale discussed issues impacting the county in the coming year, including the fiscal year (FY) 2011 budget, which will be finalized on Thursday. Although Dale?s originally proposed FY 2011 budget featured drastic cuts, theContinue Reading

Best Buddies participated in a walk for the Best Buddies Virginia chapter on Sat. May 8 at Oakton High School. The walk served as a major fund-raising event for the organization. Participants had the option of walking for either one or three miles. ?[The event] really brings out the wholeContinue Reading

For Special Education teacher Helen Schaefer, Relay for Life holds a personal significance. As an ovarian cancer survivor, the event provides hope for the future of cancer treatment options. ?For me, it means that our whole community gives up time to make lives better for people with cancer or peopleContinue Reading

Following the initiative of local high schools, on Friday, Amnesty will host Jamnesty, an event designed to raise awareness of humanitarian issues across the world through musical performances. ?The goal is to create a chill environment where friends can dance, hang out and listen to music,? junior Shannon Minor said.Continue Reading

Beginning on Friday, the theatre department will showcase their newest production, Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. Based on the play written by John Bishop, the play will show will begin on April 23 and conclude its showings on May 1. Unlike previous productions, the cast is composed of only 10Continue Reading

Witold Dzeilski, First Secretary from the Polish Embassy, will be visiting on Thursday for Europe day, an annual celebration of the formation of the European Union (EU). Dzielski will discuss the history of the EU, Poland?s role in the EU and in the world and US ? EU relations. HeContinue Reading

On Friday, members of the Gay-Straight Alliance participated in the National Day of Silence, which, according to sophomore Anna Chuslo, aims to raise awareness of hate crimes against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. “The event is designed to show support for people who can?t speak out on theirContinue Reading

On May 11 and 12, the Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) Board will have public hearings on the proposed cuts to rectify the County?s projected $174 million deficit for the 2011 Fiscal Year (FY). The cuts, which were suggested by Superintendent Jack Dale earlier this year, will be voted onContinue Reading

Model United Nations (MUN) members attended a National High School Model Arab League (NHSMAL) conference on Friday and Saturday at Georgetown University, representing Jordan and Palestine. Results of the conference were not available as of press time. This event attracted MUN members of Arab decent, in particular. “We look atContinue Reading