Comedy Central talk show hosts Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert held the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on the National Mall on Oct. 30. ?I can?t control what people think this was; I can only tell you my intentions,? Stewart said in his ?Moment of Sincerity.? ?This wasn?t aContinue Reading

This year, all juniors were assigned lockers on the ground floor, and all locker assignments for freshmen moved up to the second floor. “Freshmen are kind of naive, small and scared,” sophomore Joshua Kemp said. Kemp felt that the reason for the new arrangements was the large increase in theContinue Reading

Marshall?s population has increased by 125 students this year. This is an increase of 108 percent from last year. But, Marshall is ?still the smallest high school [in Fairfax County],? assistant principal Jeffrey Litz said. ?I think that [the increase in population] has presented some challenges to us,? Litz added.Continue Reading

Friends Against Alcohol and Drugs (FAAD)/Student Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) was dissolved this year after 17 years of existence. The clubbecame inactive after suffering from a leadership problem,according to club sponsor Barbara Brown. ?[It] was student formed,? Brown said. ?[Initiative]needs to come from the students. FAAD/SADD originated as a groupContinue Reading

The Marshall administration knew they had a problem when the line of kids arriving late to school stretched out of the office, outside, and almost onto the parking lot. An almost daily occurrence last year, these lines made students even later to first block than they already were because attendanceContinue Reading

Thanks to a Sunday evening update, stories posted to the Rank & File Web site may include photographs for the first time. This new capability is just the next step in the newspaper’s ongoing quest to create a professional-grade online edition. This feature was implemented by installing a new module in the publication’sContinue Reading

As seniors clean out their lockers, preparing never to return to school again, some teachers are preparing for a similar farewell. While some are retiring, others are pursuing personal goals or simply teaching at another school. Among the teachers leaving is English teacher Kelly McDonald. She is returning to Gar-FieldContinue Reading

Several students will participate in the Virginia Governor?s School program this summer. The program consists of a collection of magnet schools and summer programs for select students throughout the state.   In addition to offering students an enrichment opportunity, the program aims to provide talented students with academically and artisticallyContinue Reading

Last Wednesday, students filed into the auditorium to watch Marshall?s first student film festival. The event showcased short films produced by Marshall students and was arranged by Film Studies teacher Pierce Bello. Other schools with film studies and production classes have held similar film festivals to screen their students? workContinue Reading

Presenting a grim, disturbing account of her life in Nazi-occupied Poland, holocaust survivor Charlene Schiff visited on May 4 to discuss her experiences during the Holocaust and to speak out on recent issues such as the Darfur genocide. According to history teacher Wanlance Yates, history teacher Gayle Weiss initially organizedContinue Reading