A state-wide proposal modeling policies intended to limit the possibility of “sexual misconduct” between teachers and students will be voted on by the Virginia Board of Education (Virginia BOE) on Feb. 12. Among the promoinent, potential policies involve methods of communication. Teachers and students would be forbiddenContinue Reading

Following a winter production of the risque musical Chicago, Marshall Theatre is performing the children’s fairy-tale medley Wolftales and senior Rayn Epremian’s The Dogs Are Coming, at the end of January. Both plays are one-acts. The Dogs Are Coming was performed at the Virginia High School League Liberty Districts, whichContinue Reading

Amnesty held Write for Rights after a two year hiatus, Julie Hoang, senior and club treasurer said. This year Amnesty International USA aims to gather 350,000 letters to continue this success. Write for Rights returned to Amnesty club from Dec. 6 to Dec. 11 and surpassed the expectations of AmnestyContinue Reading

For months the halls have had signs advertising the theatre department?s most recent production, Chicago, a mature Broadway musical the likes of which is rarely seen in high school drama programs. The program, however, took on the racy play. With months of rehearsal spanning from early September until the weekendContinue Reading

The arduous path through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is now a little less treacherous. With the sponsorship of IB coordinator Eston Melton, Junior Faby Chaillo has created a new club which seeks to ?help [the students] out mentally, [and] help them deal with…stress and frustration,? Chaillo said. Supporting IBContinue Reading

DECA concluded its ?Cause for Celebration? project on Dec. 10 with a fund raiser at the Tysons Corner Silver Diner. It was held in an effort to provide money for the Katherine Hanley Homeless Shelter in Fairfax. This marks the first year that DECA has done a ?Cause for Celebration?Continue Reading

Despite budget cuts of up to $1.5 million made throughout the county, school officials said the Marshall library has not suffered. Librarian Alanna Grayboyes said that Marshall has not been hit especially hard. ?Apart from some two thousand dollar decrease, we have not really been affected at all,? she said.Continue Reading

In the first quarter, students witnessed several fights during school. Administration, however, was unfazed. ?In my six years here, I recall about one fight a year,? assistant principal Jeanene Sims said. ?From my perspective, one to three is not that much.? While there were three fights in the first quarterContinue Reading

Class of 2009 graduate Claude Lee is finishing up his year of service in the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), a service organization under the umbrella of Americorps. Lee will graduate tomorrow. Lee, who took a year off before going to college to join the NCCC, is ?the youngest inContinue Reading

This year, Marshall Theatre chose to perform Chicago, an award-winning musical. The show has been approved, but contract issues and disagreements with state officials made approval difficult. In particular, there was an issue with the indemnity clause of the contract, leading to a delay in its signing, junior Bobby McCoyContinue Reading