A museum dedicated to the school’s namesake will be unveiled along with a display of letters and relics concerning the 50th U.S. Secretary of State.
When architects began planning renovations two years ago, it was principal Jay Pearson’s idea to ask if a museum could be included in the renovation plans.
The school already had a display, Pearson said, so “why don’t we kick it up a notch and add a museum?”
The idea was inspired by a box of letters Pearson discovered while he was assistant principal, which “were written from the school to many of George C. Marshall’s contemporaries.”
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FCPS Superintendent Jack Dale proposed ten modifications to the county’s disciplinary procedures after “listening to … parents and members of the community,” Dale said in a press release late March. The school board subsequently adopted Dale’s proposals in principle, though the specific implementation has yet to be determined. “It prettyContinue Reading

After its recent first place win at the Spring trip in Chicago, band is back and preparing for its spring concert taking place next Tuesday. The preparations for the spring concert have been slightly skewered because of the strange timing of the spring trip to Chicago and the spring breakContinue Reading

“Small school, big heart” is the current motto of Marshall High School. However, the motto may soon be subject to change due to renovations that will be expanding the school to accommodate the growing student population. “There will be certain areas that are blocked off to students and general publicContinue Reading

Story Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth (Star Trek) prepares to take the throne as king of Asgard when frost giants attack. Hemsworth, anxious to take vengeance against those who ruined his coronation invades the land of frost giants thereby starting an apocalyptic war. As a result, Odin, Thor’s father andContinue Reading

Five Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students went to Hollywood, California to compete at the LifeSmarts Nationals competition against 32 other schools and won 17th place. “It’s sort of like a game show since there are a lot of buzzing rounds and five categories on consumer knowledge,” team captainContinue Reading

Out of the 30 DECA students who went to Orlando, Florida to compete at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC), eight students placed in the Top Ten. The competition, which took place from April 30 to May 6 “went very well,” senior and DECA Board President senior Jesse Peterson said.Continue Reading

JA in a Day is the first of its kind. Junior Achievement (JA) is a national organization dedicated to teaching elementary schoolers about financial literacy, workplace readiness and entrepreneurship. Marshall’s IB business program, however, is the first to adapt the JA program in such a way that high schoolers can teach it entirely in a day—as opposed to one session a week for six weeks.

“It was a huge deal,” IB Business teacher Rebekah Glasbrenner said.

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Coming home from a weekend in North Carolina, the Model United Nations (MUN) team won Best Large School, two gavels and other awards for individual delegates.

These achievements took place at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill Conference from April 1 to 3.

Juniors Brian Potter and Karthik Kumarappan won a gavel, the highest award for a delegate, while representing Portugal in the General Assembly Committee.

Junior Bruce Ferguson also won a gavel for representing Yemen in the Interpol Committee.

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Between a Special Award from the Society of In-vitro Biology and second place in their category, the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair proved productive for juniors Abby Schneider and Sarah Quattrocki.

The pair, along with another team of Alison Lenert and Mili Mittal, competed on April 2 at Old Dominion University at the state science fair competition. Both teams were grand prize winners at Marshall’s science fair and placed first at the Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair on March 20.

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