Students ranging from grades six to 12 and from 15 to 20 public and private schools around Northern Virginia descended upon Marshall late last month. The students came to take part in the 10th annual My First Model UN Conference on Saturday, Oct. 19. Marshall hosts MFMUN to raise moneyContinue Reading

The Future Business Leaders of America visited Philadelphia on Monday, Oct. 28, to observe local businesses. “It’s unique in that we [got] to actually see the business side of all these real life examples,” FBLA co-secretary and senior Chong said. One of these businesses was Terror Behind The Walls, aContinue Reading

Along with the construction changes that Marshall is experiencing, the increased size of the freshmen class this year, one of the largest classes ever enrolled, has also impacted the school. The freshmen class is generally the largest of the four classes, but this year the number has increased more thanContinue Reading

The pilot lunch line known as the Statesmen Station made a splash in the Northern Virginia community, providing healthier lunch options; it is the first of its kind in Fairfax County. Real Food for Kids, an organization dedicated to promoting healthy food in Fairfax County, planned and supported the StatesmenContinue Reading

A group of IB students recently returned from a visit to Nørre Gymnasium, a high school in Copenhagen, Denmark, following a trip by the school’s students to visit Marshall. Nørre Gymnasium, which is also an IB program school, sent 30 students in March; 13 Marshall students, 12 of which wereContinue Reading

With construction nearly completed, the new classrooms unveiled at the start of the school year hint at the technical achievement of the new renovations. In addition to updated facilities and better technology, the new additions breathe life into once cramped classrooms and transform the look and feel of school insideContinue Reading

    Homecoming ran a little early this year, with the newspaper- related theme of “Making Headlines.” For some people, homecoming—and the spirit days leading up to the dance—is a major highlight of the school year, but this does not hold true for some.  Some upperclassmen seem not to careContinue Reading

The freshman mentor program provides students with unique opportunities. Through the program, seniors are able to help freshmen transform into resposible high school students while improving their own leadership skills. Counselor Gina Fajardo is the sponsor of the program.  Fajardo did not create the program, but formalized it. Fajardo createdContinue Reading

Of all the sports Statesmen participate in, the golf season ends the earliest, typically halfway through the first quarter. Although this makes it easy for the sport to go unnoticed, this has not stopped students from participating in not one, but two teams. While 12 students participate in the co-edContinue Reading