The It’s Academic team once again reached playoff competition this year, but lost to St. Albans high school. While the team failed to move on from the playoffs, they still performed well despite setbacks mostly pertaining to membership. “We had some trouble finding new members,” junior Ashley Sova said. “ThisContinue Reading

On the afternoon of April 4, Reveille decorated the cafeteria with an array of paper lanterns and multicolored balloons for the fourth annual Creative Arts Festival. A variety of clubs, including National Art Club, the Gay-Straight Alliance and the Harry Potter Club, participated. Afterwards, those in attendance were directed towards theContinue Reading

During the early months of the year, the Future Business Leaders of America have a schedule full of competitions and major annual events. Two such events, which occurred in the past two weeks, were the LifeSmarts state competition and the FBLA regional competition. The Marshall chapter of FBLA this yearContinue Reading

As the student population blasts through the election season, a proposed change in the Student Government Association (SGA) election process has arisen to make the elections fairer. “The SGA will be done through a process similar to, but not exactly like, the electoral college in the U.S. government,” SGA boardContinue Reading