The first annual spring fashion show featured outfits from a ‘road trip’ across the country: New York, Memphis, Miami, and LA.   Held during 7th period on May 20th, the show featured several models and two hosts who ‘took the audience across the country’ to fashion hubs: 5th Av, BealeContinue Reading

This year’s fashion show, hosted by the marketing students, has been categorized into four different styles: Country, high fashion/glamour, beach and urban styles. The theme of the show, which will take place on Wednesday, is summer roadtrip. Within that theme, students are grouped and assigned to a location for inspiration.Continue Reading

The second annual honors biology mock science fair took place May 5. The fair is a way for freshmen biology students to prepare and practice for the judged science fair they participate in as sophomores, juniors and seniors. The Fairfax County science curriculum dictates that all freshmen in honors biologyContinue Reading

On the last possible day to register a club, the school gained a new addition to its array of student-run organizations: the Electronic Dance Music club. The EDM club, founded by co-presidents Lawry Boyer and Bruce Stewart, was created as a way for people both to create original music andContinue Reading

DECA history was made when sophomores Claire Heiden, Logan Murtha and Kevin Fogarty were the first Marshall team to place first at the International Career Development Conference in the Advertising Campaign event. The conference took place from April 25 to 29 in Orlando, Florida. Seniors Kate Bock, Morgan Stahl andContinue Reading

In a contentious school board meeting Thursday night, the phrase “gender identity” was added to FCPS’s nondiscrimination policy, which already included age, race, national origin, disability and religion. The board voted in favor of the new policy despite some opposition from the stand-only crowd. [tweetable message=”FCPS gender ID policy aims to treat every student/employee withContinue Reading