Marshall’s Mock Trial team advanced to states after placing 6th in their regional competition on January 30.  Mock Trial is a form of debate club for aspiring lawyers and attorneys that simulates an actual court trial. To prepare for the regional competition, the team had meetings everyday after school. “WeContinue Reading

On Jan. 21, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis withdrew from his campaign for the 2024 presidential election. DeSantis’ departure from the race is leaving some voters, like social studies teacher Samantha Phelps, concerned about how voters will react to the remaining elections. “I think the Republican Party is going through aContinue Reading

Dear Rank&File Readers, We want to take a moment to address an opinion piece published recently regarding a school policy on student protests. We understand that the article caused some confusion and concern among our readers, particularly in regards to its reference to the Israel-Hamas conflict. We want to clarifyContinue Reading

Omegle, a website that paired strangers together via video chat, was shut down on Nov. 8, 2023, 14 years after its creation. A female user, claiming that the site neglected to cease sexual harassment which led her to be paired with a child predator, filed a lawsuit in 2021, whichContinue Reading

Darrell General, the Cross Country and Distance Track & Field coach, recently changed jobs from school custodian to a Constructional Assistant, working in the ISS room. General’s new job will allow him to stay off his feet and stay connected with Marshall students, offering help to those in need. GeneralContinue Reading

Rank&File reporters Nadine Drachenko and Rhea Newnaha talked to a sophomore, junior, and senior about their coursework in the middle of the year and advice they have for their incoming class. Watch the video below to see your classmates responses!Continue Reading

Marshall’s Best Buddies club joined together for their annual W&OD trail walk on Saturday, November 11th to spread their message of community. These trail walks have become a tradition within the club, dating back to before COVID-19.  President of the Marshall Best Buddies club and senior Faye Vanstory recalled theContinue Reading

  The government shutdown is a challenging situation that can have a wide-ranging impact on various sectors of the economy, as well as the public. Government teacher Elise Iddings explained what a government shutdown is. “A government shutdown happens when the government does not meet their yearly deadline to passContinue Reading