For their two decade commemoration, Marshall Academy hosted a twentieth anniversary celebration over the course of a week. The Marshall Academy is a department that offers a variety of specialized and technical courses to any juniors or seniors in Fairfax County Public Schools. The week kicked off with a ChineseContinue Reading

In an effort to simplify its user experience, Snapchat released an update a week ago that significantly changed the layout and functionality of the app. Despite its intent, a majority of those who installed the update have come down hard on the complicated new format. In fact, one upset user,Continue Reading

During the county’s winter break, construction on a new semi-permanent 12 classroom modular began in the upper parking lot behind the building. This modular takes up a large portion of the back parking lot, leaving people frustrated with the loss of their parking. “It makes it a lot harder toContinue Reading

Debate over which Marshall symbol better serves as the school spirit representative, the Statesman or the Griffin, has surged in advance of the upcoming graduation of the class of 2018. Before the 1980’s, Marshall did not have a mascot, but the school employed the Statesman nickname at musical and sportingContinue Reading

  Amongst millions of other Americans, Marshall activists united in the Washington D.C. Sisters March on Jan. 20. On the one year anniversary of the historic Women’s March, nearly three million people came to protest the lack of gender equality in everyday practice and in the current political climate andContinue Reading

The Canadian skiing program, “Snow Escape,” was a student-organized trip for three days to Quebec, Canada during winter break. Attendees bonded with each other while experiencing a new kind of freedom through an international adventure. Senior and Snow Escape representative Helena Ristic led 15 other Marshall students to Mont-Tremblant, aContinue Reading

With the recent winter weather, Fairfax County Public Schools as a whole has experienced many school closures and delays. This has lead to exams and due dates being moved because of the time away from school. While this can be seen as a nuisance, others in the community see itContinue Reading

After multiple snow days, Marshall’s 2018 Student Government Association struggled to organize the second annual Stress Less Week, an attempt at decreasing anxiety levels for students. “The snow days definitely had an impact on [planning Stress Less Week],” SGA board member Hiam Baidas said. “It just makes the week seemContinue Reading

There is a new addition to the staff of the library, but this one can not help you check out a book, answer questions or even talk. The librarians instituted this in an effort to promote a stress-free environment. “Pinguini” is seven feet tall and lives in the front portionContinue Reading