The annual GCM Boosters Christmas Tree Sale has begun. Every year, the GCM Boosters has fundraisers to support Marshall athletes. “We have two primary fundraisers throughout the year: one is the Christmas tree sale and the other one is the mulch sale,” GCM Athletic Booster Board Member John Lake said. Continue Reading

  On April 14th, members of the community gathered in celebration of the Indian Festival of color, Holi.  Juniors Apoorva Navale, Laya Kalavapudi, and Manya Grover organized an event called Holi Moli as their IB Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) project. Navale said lots of preparation work was needed toContinue Reading

On Feb. 7, as judges called out the winners for the annual VHSL Northern Regional theater competition, Statesmen Theater sat in hopeful anticipation to hear who won.  Just like in their district round, the cast once again took home first place, an announcement that erupted in cheers, hugs and tearsContinue Reading

Families and friends came together in the cafeteria to support the senior class—and play some Bingo along the way. On Friday, Feb. 9, the class of 2024 held a bingo night to raise money for the senior class’s events later on in the year.  Bingo night co-organizer and parent volunteerContinue Reading

Marshall’s Mock Trial team advanced to states after placing 6th in their regional competition on January 30.  Mock Trial is a form of debate club for aspiring lawyers and attorneys that simulates an actual court trial. To prepare for the regional competition, the team had meetings everyday after school. “WeContinue Reading

On Jan. 21, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis withdrew from his campaign for the 2024 presidential election. DeSantis’ departure from the race is leaving some voters, like social studies teacher Samantha Phelps, concerned about how voters will react to the remaining elections. “I think the Republican Party is going through aContinue Reading