Fear regarding the coronavirus proves to be contagious at Marshall. As the number of cases increases worldwide, students wearing masks have become a regular sighting in and around the building. China first reported the novel coronavirus in the city of Wuhan on Dec. 31, 2019. Three weeks later, 16 ChineseContinue Reading

When Career Center Specialist Gardner Humphreys first started counseling, superscoring for the SAT began increasing in popularity. Now, 16 years later, the ACT is offering a similar retake policy to improve students’ overall test scores. Students can also take the ACT online. The ACT consists of four sections which countContinue Reading

Students are never really alone in the hallways. Whether they are walking to get a drink of water or skipping class, security always has a set of eyes watching. “We have security cameras deployed in the hallways so during Learn sweeps or tardy sweeps, if kids are just out andContinue Reading

The Student Government Association (SGA) is organizing a winter spirit week before the break. Marshall is one of the few schools in Fairfax County Public Schools with only one spirit week and pep rally during the school year. Other schools, like West Potomac High School, hold multiple spirit weeks. “OtherContinue Reading

This year, Virginia Tech faces an overpopulation issue after they admitted more rising freshmen than they anticipated. The large student body caused the school to drop its first year on-campus residency requirement. Career Center Specialist Gardner Humphreys said the problem will not have a major effect on the number ofContinue Reading