Senior Anthony Miroff’s first ballot will not be cast at a typical voting booth. This year, along with many other voters, Miroff will be mailing in his vote for this presidential race. “It’s both more convenient for me and can help in-person voting remain safe and quick for those whoContinue Reading

Hackers have compromised Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) data, though the extent of the attack remains unknown. On Friday, the FCPS Office of Communication released a statement addressing the cybersecurity issue. In the statement, FCPS said the ransomware is likely the work of hackers who have been targeting multiple organizations.Continue Reading

  UPDATED 3:14pm In an email to Marshall families Friday afternoon, principal Jeff Litz said he and his staff are taking the controversial social media post very seriously, and he will begin engaging in school-wide lessons surrounding race towards the end of the first quarter.  Litz also said despite theContinue Reading

For the past few months, stories of the coronavirus have flooded the news, and representatives have urged the public to stay home and take precaution. But, everything changed after thousands of people began leaving their houses to fight for equality through protests.  While two major issues are clashing with eachContinue Reading

When COVID-19 forces the entire world to stay at home, schools needed to adapt. After public outcry about their press conference on Facebook Live on Thursday, March 12, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) canceled school the next day. Then, on March 23, Gov. Ralph Northam extended his statewide order toContinue Reading

As the chaos of the coronavirus circulated through the country, many testing locations for the SAT on March 14 began closing.  One day before the test, Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) Twitter account announced the cancellation of all SATs scheduled in FCPS locations. “I am upset that I couldn’t takeContinue Reading

by ataho musiime & theo schmidt With five seniors graduating, including all-time leading scorer Daniel Deaver and coach Daniel Hale, who coached varsity for nine years leaving, the defending district champion boys basketball team had positions to fill. As a replacement for Hale, the school selected former Nova Cavs programContinue Reading

This year, the juniors broke tradition by not wearing their class shirts during the fall pep rally. Now, three months later, the supply of new shirts lay in Room C210. The miscommunication between the Student Government Association (SGA) and the manufacturer delayed the delivery of the class shirts, to theContinue Reading