For the first time in almost a year, senior Zamir Ticknor will walk through the doors of Marshall, ready to start in-person learning.  Ticknor said that while he enjoyed the freedoms of online school, he is ready to get back to in-person learning.  “What makes me most excited is theContinue Reading

Due to inclement weather, FCPS switched learning to synchronous virtual instruction for Wednesday. The only issue? Marshall students are already virtual, and we are scheduled to have a catch-up day, not a synchronous one. Without a clarification, students were left to wonder what information was correct. On top of theContinue Reading

The school year usually brings months of all work and no play, but for freshman Kate Butterworth, online school allowed for a more idyllic start to her first year at Marshall.  Butterworth said she traveled to Myrtle Beach in early September with a friend’s family. But, because the school yearContinue Reading

Marshall students who opt in to Superintendent Scott Brabrand’s return to school proposal, which was first presented on October 19th, will return to the building by February 1st. Rank & File analyzed the proposal on several key levels as it was presented by Dr. Brabrand as well as Principal LitzContinue Reading

Organizing a school play from start to finish is usually a tough job, but for stage manager and senior Aysha Berry, this year’s first online play brought new challenges for the crew. “Called Out” consists of the general premise wherein the actors, who receive their roles on the spot, areContinue Reading

In a Zoom meeting with the Robotics team, junior Caitlyn Fitzgerald noticed one member, senior Jett Han, was not present. Soon, a teacher provided answers as to why. “It was an extremely emotional time,” Fitzgerald said. “We talked a lot about how we can cope and who we can talkContinue Reading

Varsity field hockey player and sophomore Cayley Sullivan stands on the first set of hash marks, waiting to receive a hit. She misses the first one. It zooms past her to the end of the field. Another teammate is standing there working on her own hits. Normally, she’d put herContinue Reading

Taking the SAT is a significant part of the college admissions process. But, with no prior experience taking the PSAT in school, sophomore Meera Naik said she worries about her preparedness for the college-readiness exam. “Going into junior year and taking the SAT is a lot of stress and pressureContinue Reading

With no teacher carefully watching students as they take assessments and open access to nearby technology, the test taking process has lost much of its integrity.  IB Biology student and senior Sanjoli Jain said there were clear signs of cheating during the first test of the year, leading to theContinue Reading