FCPS students participating in winter and spring sports must be vaccinated against COVID-19, Superintendent Scott Brabrand said in a community newsletter Monday. The mandate, which comes after the Virginia Department of Education classified athletics as a “high-risk activity,” will come into effect on Nov. 8  Brabrand said exposure to COVID-19Continue Reading

marshall high school homecoming neon rave

Between the shrunken size and the open front wall, the Marshall Neon Rave of 2021 looked like a museum display designed to show aliens what prom looked like.  The white tent in the upper parking lot never exceeded a third of the 97 strong guest list at one time. AlthoughContinue Reading

2020 saw a rising financial crisis, pandemic, political instability, andtragic explosion hit Lebanon, but also the creation of Marshall’s Peace in the Middle East club. On May 14, the new club organized a fundraiser at local chain Burger 7 to raise money for Lebanon. “The money we donated is usedContinue Reading

Varsity Football Head Coach Jason Strickland repudiated recent accusations his players used racial slurs toward Wakefield High School players during their game on March 5, saying he has seen no evidence of bigoted behavior during his tenure. Though he admitted there was aggression between two players, Strickland said in aContinue Reading

Updated 3/19/21 – 10:50 a.m. Arlington Public Schools (APS) officials accused Statesman varsity football players of using racial slurs during a fight at a recent game. The incident sparked controversy and larger concerns of a cultural issue at Marshall and within the athletic program. After a failed conversion on 4th-and-24Continue Reading

When junior Zimraan Sadeque was posed with the question of whether or not to attend in-person school back in July, he hoped he would eventually get the chance for full weeks of in-person instruction. Sadeque is one of many students who – despite originally planning to return to in-person –Continue Reading

Course selection is a lengthy process, especially this year due to being virtual. The information overview of courses cannot be transmitted as well as in a class setting. As course selection roams nearer, students are up to decide which classes would be the best fit for them. Choosing between takingContinue Reading

For the first time in almost a year, senior Zamir Ticknor will walk through the doors of Marshall, ready to start in-person learning.  Ticknor said that while he enjoyed the freedoms of online school, he is ready to get back to in-person learning.  “What makes me most excited is theContinue Reading

Due to inclement weather, FCPS switched learning to synchronous virtual instruction for Wednesday. The only issue? Marshall students are already virtual, and we are scheduled to have a catch-up day, not a synchronous one. Without a clarification, students were left to wonder what information was correct. On top of theContinue Reading

The school year usually brings months of all work and no play, but for freshman Kate Butterworth, online school allowed for a more idyllic start to her first year at Marshall.  Butterworth said she traveled to Myrtle Beach in early September with a friend’s family. But, because the school yearContinue Reading