Music filled C hall last Wednesday at the first acoustic LEARN concert of the year. The concert showcased student bands CPK, Bad Flowers, and Paved, in addition to English teacher Walter Miller, who played Kid Cudi’s “Pursuit of Happiness” on guitar. “I was shocked to hear him singing, because heContinue Reading

Every year, the choir program performs the spring show as a big event to celebrate the hard work of the choir members. This year’s show revolves around a Disney theme.  However, timelines changed when choir teacher Kelli Pierson announced she was expecting a child in the spring.  “I still wantedContinue Reading

At a school board meeting on Sep. 23, FCPS suspended two books following complaints from parents. The books, Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison and Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, were temporarily removed from shelves days before Banned Books week. For librarians Krissy Ronan and Elizabeth Toledo, Banned Books week isContinue Reading

Between youth soccer and balls being kicked around, soccer was everywhere at Marshall on Saturday. But some of the most spirited games on display at the stadium field were those of the Special Olympics.  Special Olympics is an international organization that provides both children and adults with intellectual and physicalContinue Reading

Depending on grade, opted-in students will take either the SAT or PSAT on Wednesday, October 15.  The PSAT helps students familiarize themselves with the types of questions on the SAT and puts top-scorers in the pool for the National Merit Scholarship. For some seniors, this is the final opportunity toContinue Reading

A bus rolls up to Door 1 and students pile out. “Thank you!” “Have a good day!” they call, and  wave to their driver. He smiles back – and then prepares to double back for a second run. For bus driver Jamal Moujtahid, the return to school has meant extraContinue Reading

In the era of COVID-19, science classes adapted by utilizing virtual labs last year. Now, lost lab skills are coming back to bite IB Chemistry 2 seniors. Even in the 4th quarter of last year with a mix of in-person and virtual students, the science department decided to keep theContinue Reading