Senior Makenzie Hymes applied early action to Princeton University, but when she read her acceptance letter, she was shocked. “I very much applied on a whim,” Hymes said. “I had the opportunity to apply, and I thought, ‘I’m only gonna be applying to colleges once; I may as well justContinue Reading

Senior Helen Schuette plans to spend her gap year racing through the water. She said a year away from school will allow her to train for sprint canoe. However, Schuette said she still feels strange about the decision. “I’m going to miss seeing people everyday,” Schuette said, “but I won’tContinue Reading

Marshall Minds Matter members meet. “Our primary goal is to promote conversations about mental health,” president and senior Grace Chamberlain said.

With tests piling up and summer waving its smug fingers from two months away, the last quarter of the year is far from the easiest. Regardless, fourth quarter can be a time for reflection. For some students, like president of Marshall Minds Matter club and senior Grace Chamberlain, this schoolContinue Reading

“Other people when they go home, they play video games to feel better,” sophomore and Statesmen tennis player Dean Rostom said. “I play tennis.” Each week Rostom, a three-star tennis recruit according to the Tennis Recruiting Network, wakes up and trains from 6 to 7:30 in the morning. His scheduleContinue Reading