Come the end of each grading period, be it a quarter, semester or entire year, teachers receive requests vying for them to offer additional remediation opportunities. Those worried about their academic standing in each class view this as a final opportunity to deflect some of the consequences of their currentContinue Reading

As media forms continue to evolve, the methods by which we obtain media have shifted. In particular, library usage has encountered competition through the advent of electronic book rentals. “School libraries, I think [people] use them about the same just because it’s here and it’s convenient,” sophomore Elizabeth Fretz said.Continue Reading

Few teenagers can claim to have been able to reach thousands of people worldwide through their passions, but senior Andrew Ruhnke is about to do just that with the launch of his new board game “Falling Sky.” The game aims to be a historical simulation of Julius Caesar’s conquest ofContinue Reading

the objective We are traveling to the diverse destinations of Rome, Catania, Stromboli and Lipari for the summer. This means taking on the challenge of blending our backgrounds in Spanish and French in order to learn Italian in a week.   the process We found that there are a lotContinue Reading

Senior Bevy Daniel has a melting pot of interests. From theater to politics, her range of passions is reflected in her avid participation at Marshall. Daniel came into Marshall as a transfer student. As a freshman with only a few acquaintances, Daniel sought school organizations as a way to getContinue Reading

I love sports. I plan my schedule around whenever the next hockey game for the Chicago Blackhawks game is on, and I always make time in my day to give myself updates on what’s taking place in the world of sports. Going a week without following anything was probably theContinue Reading

Uber, a multinational online transportation network, has provided over a billion rides as of Dec. 30, according to Uber Newsroom. Despite the under 18 ban for solo riders,  high schoolers make up a portion of these billion rides. “I use Uber, I’d say like twice a month, because I onlyContinue Reading

Every pet is different, with individual personalities and traits. Each pet owner treats their relationship with their animal differently. Freshman Emily Grace has owned Tris and Izzy, two guinea pigs, for around two years. “We found someone who couldn’t keep them anymore because their son was allergic to the food,Continue Reading

Every once in awhile, unique clubs pop up creating an environment for people to pursue interests they never even knew they had. The potential Yo-Yo Club might just become the next prime example. Although he only began yo-yoing three months ago, club founder and sophomore Alexander Swift has quickly developedContinue Reading

According to the 2013 US Census, one in every four high schoolers aged 16 and older work part time. In a poll conducted out of 145 students during A, C and D lunch, 61 percent responded that they had not worked in the past nor worked currently, which 39 percentContinue Reading