Halo: Reach, the final Halo installment to be made by Bungie, the original Halo creators, is set directly prior to Halo: Combat Evolved. Humanity has been at war with the Covenant, a group of aliens embarking on a religious venture that involves annihilating humanity. Planet Reach is the military strongholdContinue Reading

NBC’s newest prime time show, The Event, was one that could be missed. Though not a bad show, The Event was nothing exceptional. The show uses a flashback technique that provides the viewer with an irrelevant details about the President (Blair Underwood) and background information for the main character?s story.Continue Reading

Hanson was a staple in the music repertoire of every girl in the late 1990s. They rose to fame on the wings of a song with lyrics nearly impossible to understand and a chorus comprised of total gibberish. Thirteen years after their hay day, their legacy in pop culture isContinue Reading

In their first release, Elephant Shell, Tokyo Police Club moved at a frantic pace in most of their songs that would seem difficult for many artists to sustain. However, in their latest effort, Champ, they have not slowed down one bit. Their new work remains as catchy and upbeat asContinue Reading

Completely bogged down with clich?s and dripping with overdone ?jokes?, Killers is a physically painful waste of two hours. Although summer movies tend to be ridiculous and stupid by nature, this film takes it to a whole new level, failing to capture even a full minute of humor among theContinue Reading

New York Times bestselling author Emily Giffin?s novel Heart of the Matter is the story of two women whose lives are brought together by a tragic accident. On one side is Tessa, a happily married mom who recently gave up her career to stay at home with her two kids.Continue Reading

The summer movies lineup is filled to the brim, and, as with any set of choices, has good and bad options. The comedic stylings of the third movie in the Twilight series, which I hear is a full-movie buildup to a dramatic battle that does not actually take place, onlyContinue Reading

The most recent product of the twisted mind of Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club, Survivor) employs the sense of the fast-paced, yet purposeful insanity that Palahniuk utilizes in each of his unique novels. Tell All embraces its author-mandated requirement to be utterly off-the-wall by exploring vintage Hollywood through the eyes ofContinue Reading

In their new album, Total Life Forever, Oxford dropouts Foals create smart and polished music. Relying on keyboards, they update classic 80s pop with intricate bass-lines and manage to preserve their optimistic sound with added maturity. Their music is an acquired taste, but its oddities unite to form a soundContinue Reading

Before I start to talk about the complete implausibility that is Tony Stark?s basement technology system, I should clarify that I?m a huge Iron Man fan. I saw the first one in theaters more times than I?d like to admit and time I watch a Robert Downey Jr. movie IContinue Reading