High school sports can be stressful enough with the constant pressure to do well and impress coaches all while balancing sports with classes and other extracurriculars. The athlete “stars” of the team have an especially hard job having to constantly meet their coaches expectations and maintain a good reputation allContinue Reading

The General Tutoring Center has recently opened for all grades so that those struggling in a class can receive personalized help in core subjects and electives like computer science, world language and even ESOL. Tutoring Center sponsor and English teacher Chynna Wendell began an early form of a tutoring centerContinue Reading

Wi-Fi is a service that many people can’t live without. They may use it for school work or just to go through Youtube when they’re bored, but everyone knows how hard it can be to do those things when the internet is slow or not even usable, which seems toContinue Reading

Five seniors toured the White House on Nov. 10, after a White House staffer reached out to Principal Jeff Litz about the opportunity for seniors passionate about history. History teacher Nora Brennan selected seniors Jai Bhide, Steve Underwood, Jordan Shamukiga, Claire Heiden and Devyn Lee at random. While on theContinue Reading

International Night is the one evening of the year when people of all backgrounds come together to celebrate their culture’s cuisines and traditions. The participants orchestrate performances in groups and individually with the intention of educating their peers about their heritage. Volunteers distributed dishes inspired by locations around the globe,Continue Reading

The theatre program produced class of 2015 graduate Liz Carlson’s adapted play, The Sea Cook: A Story For Girls. The cast had been preparing for the show as early as the first week of school and premiered on Oct. 13. “We [the theatre program] have 18 people in the cast,”Continue Reading

Arrival is a science fiction movie that was released on Nov. 11 and tracks the progress of linguist Louise Banks (Amy Adams) and her team as they decode and learn the language of aliens that land on Earth, called Heptapods. Banks and her team are forced to solve the mysteryContinue Reading

Vine’s mobile app will be discontinued in the coming months, as announced on Oct. 27 via Vine’s website. “Vine is a place where you can express yourself in so many different ways and it’s really sad that it’s shutting down because it’s a great, hilarious outlet for expression,” junior RachelContinue Reading

Over the summer, Nintendo teamed up with software development company Niantic to produce Pokémon GO, an app that allows a user to capture fictional Pokémon in “real life” utilizing GPS and augmented reality. According to a study done by Bloomberg L.P., Pokémon GO lost 15 million players in the monthContinue Reading

While the rest of the country focused on the race for the presidency, Fairfax County voters quietly rejected a controversial proposition that would have generated about $99m of new annual revenue for the FCPS system. The meals tax proposition, which would have levied a four percent tax on certain preparedContinue Reading