The significant time commitment of high school sports can add to the pressure of athletes, who are already managing stressful and rigorous practice schedules. Junior and indoor track athlete Rachel Miller has learned how to work around her packed slate. “We usually practice four times a week,” Miller said. “It’sContinue Reading

Game developer Ubisoft’s first Hollywood blockbuster Assassin’s Creed was released on Dec 23 to excited fans of the popular video game franchise of the same name. The movie follows Cal Lynch (Michael Fassbender), the descendant of the assassin Aguilar, and Dr. Sophia Rikkin (Marion Colitard), a scientist at Abstergo Industries.Continue Reading

The Black Student Union held a food drive for the Alternative House in Vienna, from Nov 13 to 30, helping at-risk teenagers remain safe this winter. The BSU collected over two thousand non-perishable goods. “We chose to donate to the alternative house because it shelters homeless and abused teens,” seniorContinue Reading

Wrestling, an athletic practice of physical dominance, requires maintaining peak physical and mental shape both in and out of season. With practices all week and tournaments most weekends, wrestlers meet with a number of health and wellbeing challenges. “I think the most challenging thing about wrestling is the consistency,” seniorContinue Reading

Tucked away in an small office, registrar Suzanna Pangilinan is hard at work talking to parents of new students, approving bus passes, organizing student records and preparing graduation. The role of a school registrar is to maintain student records. Student records include attendance, schedule, immunization records, grades and transfer information.Continue Reading

Due to the rewriting of an FCPS regulation, therapy dogs will be available in the coming months to provide stress relief and relaxation. Principal Jeff Litz has worked for over a school year to rewrite this regulation, which does not allow therapy dogs on school campuses. “It’s a small measure,Continue Reading

One distinct memory of freshmen orientation was sitting in the auditorium as an eighth grader and hearing the words “IB diploma” and “IB classes” over and over again. Even as a senior, I still hear these phrases all the time. I was never on board to take part in theContinue Reading

A common misconception many people have is that hearing loss is only prominent in the elderly, but in reality, every age is capable of a lack of hearing. As a person with hearing loss, I strongly believe that everyone should keep in mind and respect that others may not beContinue Reading

Every year we search for the perfect response to the dreaded question, “So what are your New Year’s resolutions?” For as long as I can remember, I’ve hopped on the resolution bandwagon of lying to myself and striving for an idealized version of my lifestyle that, in short, is impossibleContinue Reading

During the winter, entering any classroom during the day is a gamble in terms of what temperature to expect. Rooms are either stuffy and overheated or freezing cold, with very few managing to hit a comfortable temperature. There has been a large amount of frustration regarding the air conditioning systemContinue Reading