Homework, sports and college applications are all factors to consider as a new semester rolls around. Both the upperclassmen and underclassmen have a large amount of work to do in this new semester, not to mention their after-school activities. Freshman Michael Pepito says that he wants to start off withContinue Reading

With an art degree from Northwestern University and teaching experience from Japan, English teacher Brenna Killeen uses her non-traditional path to teaching as a way to be innovative in the classroom. Killeen majored in art with an adjunct major in animation and a minor in creative nonfiction writing. Despite notContinue Reading

[gluten free, vegan] Serves: 2-3   Ingredients: ½ cup of finely chopped fresh parsley 1 clove of crushed garlic ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds ½ tablespoon of lemon zest 1 ½ tablespoons of maple syrup 3 tablespoons of lemon juice 2 tablespoons of olive oil ¼ teaspoon of salt 1Continue Reading

The administration implemented a no bag policy for varsity football games, in order to prevent the possibility of illegal materials coming onto school grounds, in an attempt to stop drunk driving. This policy prevents anyone from being able to bring any opened containers or bags to the games because theContinue Reading

Name/location: The Choolaah Indian BBQ restaurant that everyone has been awaiting recently opened up at the Mosaic district. The originality of the place is in the intriguing aspects of Indian cuisine, that now includes barbecued meat, turning the place into a modernized place for Indian food.   Atmosphere/decor: As youContinue Reading

Prom is the most expensive event the Student Government Association has to pay for, costing up to $40,000. The 2018 class board is paying for the dance this year, with the funds from Candy Grams going towards Prom. “We are selling candy grams to raise money for our prom,” juniorContinue Reading

After school, I find myself waiting until 3:15 before leaving so I can avoid the mess and chaos of the parking lot. Unless you are one of the first people out of the building, or you parked in the front couple of rows, you are destined to be stuck inContinue Reading

Going to community college is often unnecessarily looked down upon by the student community. As college applications approach deadline, more often than not, students want to leave this area purely because they dislike northern Virginia. This area may not be what everyone is searching for, but it is a shameContinue Reading