Many authors from around the world attended the fourth annual NoVa Teen Book Festival on March 11, 2017. M-E Girard took a detour and came here in an effort to promote her debut novel Girl Mans Up. The novel is about a teenager named Pen who has to decide ifContinue Reading

The rigor of the IB program can lead to complications in the schedules of active athletes. In some cases, the tight scheduling limits their ability to pursue both rigorous academics and involved athletics. More specifically, the Theory of Knowledge course required in order to obtain the IB diploma often conflictsContinue Reading

This past week, the community participated in an international exchange program with Nørre Gymnasium, an upper-secondary IB world school located just outside of Copenhagen, Denmark. By immersing students in the cultures of both the U.S. and Denmark, they witness a wide range of cultural differences with regard to the everydayContinue Reading

In One Week is a feature where one or more staff members take on a new habit for a week. In this IOW, a staffer changes her diet to vegan for a full week. Monday I knew nothing about eating vegan and I was afraid the challenge would be somethingContinue Reading

Regardless of swim and dive’s successful season, the teams were unable to attract a large spectator turnout at events, even during the Capitol Conference meets in which they placed second overall. Swimmers and divers bring intense effort throughout the week, devoting a large portion of their time to different meetsContinue Reading

Apple’s iOS 10.2.1 update, despite promoting bug fixes and better device security, has not entirely fixed problematic glitches from the past, such as reduced battery life, frozen screens, and automatic app reboots. Not everyone is noticing their technology glitching but has made note of any physical problems with their electronicContinue Reading

Several members of the Black Student Union met for the Leadership Speaker Series, a collection of meetings and events to inspire young members of the community to use their full potential to be successful. Various FCPS staff, in an effort to motivate and inspire black students, joined local business personnelContinue Reading

Student Services held its annual Freshmen Orientation on Feb 8 to introduce the class of 2021 to their high school career and the course requirements to follow an IB track. The event laid out every curricular and extracurricular activity with the hope of creating a welcoming atmosphere for prospective students.Continue Reading