The theater department treated audience members to their final performance of “Cry Baby”, an irreverent musical centered around a story of forbidden love, earlier today. Seniors Sam Bock and Amelia Lindsey led the cast in their respective roles of “Cry Baby” Walker and Allison and received praise from the audience for their performances. “I was muchContinue Reading

When a patient with dissociative identity disorder, otherwise known as multiple personality disorder, abducts three teenage girls, one of his personalities emerges as violent and uncontrollable. This is the plot of the newly released psychological horror film Split. Despite its success, generating nearly $250 million in revenue as a $9Continue Reading

Upon hearing the words Republican and Conservative, many may closely associate the two terms with each other. However, they both hold distinctively different meanings. Republicans are members of a particular political party, while conservatives are proponents of social Conservatism or fiscal Conservatism. For years, the Young Republicans and Young DemocratsContinue Reading

Creating works of art is significant for an artist, especially when it comes to connecting with their audience. The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) was given this chance, by creating portraits for children who are orphans or refugees from other countries. These artists worked with The Memory Project, a humbleContinue Reading

As a counselor, junior varsity girls’ lacrosse assistant coach and former lacrosse player for Oregon University, Alexandra Breiner uses her time coaching athletes on the field to connect with them on a more personal level, outside of her office. “A lot of times we sit here and it’s hard toContinue Reading

Through the eyes of an average student, winter break could arguably be the best time of the school year. Not only are they free of anything academic for two weeks, but the break brings constant speak of everything related to Christmas. Though the hype surrounding the Christmas season is completelyContinue Reading

Brand new teachers come bearing fresh, innovative ideas and interesting approaches to classic high school lessons and methods. But, along with refreshing visions come the predicted inexperience, expected from anyone new at their jobs. To combat this, new teachers are assigned a more experienced teacher mentor to guide them andContinue Reading

The History of the Americas classes have recently stopped their use of wikis, a shared online studying tool, for their essential knowledge assessments, which has many frustrated. This frustration is ultimately because wikis were many people’s main form of study for the classes assessments. However, I don’t have a problemContinue Reading

Maintaining a famous YouTube channel is an activity that most are not familiar with in high school. For junior Alex Schmid, a famous YouTube channel has been a part of her life for two years now. Schmid began her account, called ‘simplydaisy’, on YouTube in the ninth grade on theContinue Reading