With the first three entries of the DC Extended Universe all having less than 60 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, Wonder Woman was Warner Brothers last hope to keep both critics and fans interested in their new franchise. Released on June 2, the highly anticipated entry into the DCEU stars GalContinue Reading

The girls varsity tennis team won the Team State Championship on June 5 after defeating Deep Run High School in a rematch of the 2016 State Semi-Finals. The team has won individual States in past years, but this is the first year in Marshall’s history they’ve won Team States. EachContinue Reading

Varsity softball coach Missy Whittington resigned from her coaching position at the end of this spring 2017 season after coaching for five seasons. “Due to unexpected back issues, I am unable to maintain the softball field on a day to day basis any longer,” Whittington said. Whittington said she feelsContinue Reading

Coming to school with nothing but a pen and a stack of random papers stuffed in your backpack is the epitome of fatigue most students experience by the time the end of the school year rolls around. Anticipating the classes where little classwork occurs is a huge part of theContinue Reading

The only thing that motivates me towards the end of the school year is a long summer vacation. This year’s summer vacation is shorter by nine days, which is very frustrating. Even though having a short summer makes you value every second of your vacation, we deserve a longer break.Continue Reading

Girls varsity lacrosse fell to Potomac Falls 9-12 during the State Championship game on June 10, a rematch of the 2016 State Championships, where Potomac Falls beat out Marshall 19-7. Regardless of the loss, sophomore and varsity lacrosse player Emily Brunner said she is content with the determination and abilityContinue Reading

The LGBTQ+ community and its supporters have recognized June as the unofficial Pride Month since 1969 in commemoration of the Stonewall riots. Sophomore Jack Newman said that Pride provides an opportunity for members of the community to express themselves in a way that they otherwise couldn’t. “[Pride month] means celebratingContinue Reading

Past collided with present when original Principal Elam Hertzler had lunch in the cafeteria with Principal Jeff Litz and the student body on June 7. Hertzler was the principal from the years of 1962 to 1965, responsible for the opening of the school, as well as Langley High School andContinue Reading

Students staying in Northern Virginia for the summer discuss activities to do and locations to visit with friends and family throughout the upcoming months. “Over the summer I like to go to amusement parks like Busch Gardens and Kings Dominion. It’s fun, those rides are fun. I really enjoy goingContinue Reading

Starting in the 2017 to 2018 school year, trailers will take over the back parking lot as new classrooms. Registrar Deb Maricello said the school is at capacity and compensations are necessary, despite the renovation just three years ago to accommodate the increasing amount of students. Junior Neel Simpson saidContinue Reading