With October being national Breast Cancer Awareness Month, in addition to annual spirit events, such as Marshall Mob’s Pink Out and athletes sporting pink ribbons during games, additional events are also run by separate clubs and individuals within the school community. For example, volleyball coach Mike Carroll organizes the annualContinue Reading

Students struggle with workload under new rules Recent changes regarding newly enforced Learn policies have begun to spark disagreement among students. In September, administration began new, controversial Learn policies due to past misuse of the period, which is intended for teachers to offer help. Faculty implemented a policy of sweepingContinue Reading

The Social Studies department decided this year to remove the Historical Investigation, or HI, from the Government curriculum, tampering with hundreds of sophomores’ chances to practice writing a major essay in a more supervised setting. The HI aims to examine and compare varied perspectives on a historical topic the writerContinue Reading

When the returning staff began planning Volume 55 of Rank & File, I made a point of embracing innovation. Last year, we proved ourselves capable of carrying on the legacy of the publication that our predecessors created. We managed to receive the distinction of crown finalist from the Columbia ScholasticContinue Reading

Though the paths seniors Patrick Halligan and Clara Ford took to arrive at the collegiate level differ, both athletes faced similar challenges to get where they are today. Halligan said he began playing baseball in kindergarten, when he was five years old. Now, 12 years later, he readies himself toContinue Reading

Upperclassmen will now have more opportunities to gain important credits for college and essential knowledge for their desired careers. IB geography and human anatomy and physiology will be added to the curriculum . Danielle Koehler will be teaching IB Geography and Angela Rizzo will be instructing Human Anatomy. IB GeographyContinue Reading

Principal Jeff Litz caught a mouse trapped in a classroom with his bare hands and put it outside safely. Social studies teacher Kevin Curtin arrived in his classroom to a mouse scurrying around in the corner and after the mouse began to climb around the room asked for assistance fromContinue Reading

The varsity volleyball team defeated Madison High School for the first time in history on Sep. 25. After falling to the Warhawks in close matches the past three years, varsity volleyball player and senior Grace Clarke says the victory comes from the team’s positive mentality heading into the game. “[TwoContinue Reading

“It was really fun to do a song that people dance to because we normally don’t do that kind of thing […] so I finally got to let myself go,” senior and Tentatively Cousin Oliver singer Sam Bock said. Middle: Seniors Quiana Dang and Isabelle Maricar dance to a songContinue Reading

Xbox One X Microsoft will be shipping out the Xbox One X on Nov. 9 at $499 worldwide with the ability to produce true 4K visuals, along with 4K UHD blue ray playback. The consoles hardware makes it the most powerful console on the market with a 6 teraflop GPUContinue Reading