There are 565 freshmen this year, but only one wags her tail when she’s happy. On the first day of school, freshman Christopher Thompson introduced his classmates to KitKat, a 1-year-old Goldendoodle that works as Thompson’s service dog. At home, Thompson said KitKat is a regular pet, but during schoolContinue Reading

In one of the enduring moments in the legal battle for student’s rights, Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas delivered the line “it can hardly be argued that students […] shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” His majority opinion in the case TinkerContinue Reading

Arriving in the U.S. just hours before the annual homecoming dance, French exchange students got ready with their hosts and friends to join in the spirit week. For the first time ever, families are hosting French exchange students for a week. Following last winter, a select number of students enrolledContinue Reading

For the past three years, senior Mohit Sahgal has been pursuing his dreams in the field of fashion design both at Marshall and at the Fairfax High School Academy. Although the dream of one day designing clothes has been the driving force behind Sahgal’s enrollment, being a boy in anContinue Reading

Senior year, despite the stereotype that it is easy, challenges students as much if not more than junior year. Seniors deal with the constant torment of worrying about life after high school and multiple IB assignments on top of the the work and social pressure of normal student life. TheContinue Reading

Marshall has an array of activities, such as sports, clubs and arts programs, which offer ample opportunities for students to get involved; however, just because these activities already exist does not mean that everybody is going to be interested in them. What if one searches for a club that coversContinue Reading

Administration explains reforms to Learn policy  With the start of the new year, the administration has set new security measures to ensure the safety of everyone in the school. Examples of these new security policies are the removal of a buzzer on Door Four and a new sign-out policy inContinue Reading

The junior class broke an eight year losing streak with a 28-14 win over the senior class in the powderpuff football game on Oct. 11. “To be honest, I didn’t really think we were going to win,” junior Peyton Emory said. “But it felt really great especially considering that thereContinue Reading

Colleges across the country allow students to speak with an admissions officer that accept or deny accordingly. This process still requires students to be prepared with a copy of their transcript, standardized test scores and teacher recommendations. “They usually do them at high schools, but I’ve seen them done atContinue Reading

The late bus runs on Mondays from 5 to 5:30 p.m. and is a great advantage for those who stay after school for clubs, activities and after school help. At the same time, its effectiveness is limited because it is only available one day out of the whole week. ThereContinue Reading