When people think of Thanksgiving, they may think of spending time with their immediate family and relatives. However, as an alternative to the family-based Thanksgiving, people may choose to celebrate Friendsgiving. Friendsgiving is a separate gathering in which people celebrate Thanksgiving exclusively with their friends. Senior Victoria Pasmanik said howContinue Reading

The varsity team earned a record of 9-1, four wins more than the previous season. The Statesmen’s only loss of the regular season was against James Madison High School. “It was a really good season even though the end of it was disappointing, but the regular season was the bestContinue Reading

For senior Brady Watts, ultimate frisbee is more than just a backyard game, and he has gone to the extent of petitioning Fairfax County to turn his passion into a Virginia High School League (VHSL) regulated sport. High schools have not seen ultimate frisbee since the early 1970s. Watts intendsContinue Reading

Although the Margiotta brothers have worked hard to achieve their of athletic talent, they continue to push each other to improve their skills and bond as brothers through sports. Freshman Patrick Margiotta and sophomore Andrew Margiotta have both played football since second grade and prompted their older brother, Christopher, toContinue Reading

Every year, Operation Gratitude, a nonprofit organization seeking to give back to military personnel, collaborates with the Leadership class at Marshall. For the first quarter service project, Leadership teacher Pierce Bello said he chose the task of collecting candy to donate to soldiers overseas. “The purpose of our leadership programContinue Reading

After Hurricane Maria destroyed their town of Manati, Puerto Rico, senior Caleb Rodriguez and junior Jeriel Rodriguez moved in with their relatives in Northern Virginia and became a part of the Marshall community. Although the two brothers are adjusting to their new life, they say that they are still concernedContinue Reading

Youth involvement in the November 2017 Virginia governor’s race played a key part in Democrat Ralph Northam’s victory. NBC News exit polls reported that 69 percent of youth voters, aged 18 to 29, voted for Northam. Local high schoolers have been involved in the race in to influence their peers.Continue Reading

The Georgetown International Relations club hosted their ninth annual Georgetown Diplomacy and International Security Conference (GDISC). Speakers gave presentations on various global issues, such as the North Korean situation. The event is targeted towards high school students interested in foreign affairs, informing them of the international relations program at Georgetown.Continue Reading

Faculty and students gave back to the community this month in the annual Red Cross sponsored blood drive, donating 58 units of blood. 90 people over the age of 16 signed up to donate, but not all were able to do so. Several factors, such as an appropriate BMI andContinue Reading