The Leadership class organized fundraisers this past week to promote the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Last year, Marshall raised over 2,000 dollars. This year, the class is striving for one dollar per student. “First we reviewed the packet that last years’ class wrote to look at what they did andContinue Reading

Alex Larzelere came and spoke to the Math Honor Society members on Nov. 30 about how to use math to make a difference. Larzelere was a former officer in the U.S. Coast Guard and a former employee for the Department of Energy. He taught different skills to the attendees surroundingContinue Reading

Play director and theatre teacher Jason Tamborini produced the Heathers school play despite its R rating. The original Heathers is an R rated movie from 1988 about life in high school. The film discusses how relationships work and it tackled adult themes.Tamborini worked with Principal Jeff Litz and used theContinue Reading

The winter track and field team hosted Marshall’s first invitational track meet in honor of alumni David Cannon last Saturday, Dec. 2.   Cannon was a two time cross country team state champion in 1971 and 1972 and he still holds the two mile school record. In 2016, Cannon diedContinue Reading

The Animal Lovers Club advocated for just treatment of animals by writing letters protesting makeup companies who test on them. Animal Lovers Club’s held their first meeting after school on Nov. 10 in D211, where they attempted to contact makeup companies such as Makeup Forever, Benefit Cosmetics, Nars, Esteé LauderContinue Reading

Athletes playing winter sports got themselves mentally prepared and excited for the new season at sports picture day on Nov. 20. Sophomore girls varsity basketball player Zoe Soule said picture day served as a bonding opportunity for players, and left many wondering what this upcoming season would bring. “Picture DayContinue Reading

Soles 4 Souls is a drive to help provide shoes to disadvantaged children in Haiti. The Octagon Club plans and carries out community service, and they organized the shoe drive, continuing the annual tradition. The club set up multiple boxes around the school for anyone who wanted to donate betweenContinue Reading

The members of Kids Are Scientists Too, or KAST, had their first event on Nov. 16. They went to Stenwood Elementary School to teach children about the inner workings of computers and basic HTML programming. KAST is a regional organization that has multiple branches throughout high schools in nine differentContinue Reading

This year’s Individual Oral Presentations, IOPs, in HL English began Oct. 30 and are extending until Jan. 18, taking two quarters to complete.   HL English is the highest level English course for juniors and seniors. The IOP is a large summative assessment for the course. “[Junior Gillian Weed andContinue Reading