The 90th edition of the Academy Awards come at the conclusion of a strong season for movies, and will see the best of Hollywood pitted against each other for the most prestigious awards in the industry. I have seen the majority of the nominated movies and though there are 24Continue Reading

In an effort to simplify its user experience, Snapchat released an update a week ago that significantly changed the layout and functionality of the app. Despite its intent, a majority of those who installed the update have come down hard on the complicated new format. In fact, one upset user,Continue Reading

The movement of the New Journalist was perhaps the defining socio-political movement of the cultural reformation that swept the United States through the 1960’s and beyond. Hunter S. Thompson, the godfather of Gonzo-ism, described the death of Objective Journalism and its relation to President Nixon as the need to “getContinue Reading

Marshall Women in STEM is a club that juniors Emaan Khan and Maheen Saeed recently created. The club aims to encourage female participation in the science field, along with the technology, engineering and math fields. The club, in its first year, plans to help integrate girls into STEM studies. STEMContinue Reading

Sophomore Kara-Dove Mutombo experiences the world of fashion by modeling and doing photoshoots in New York. “I was 14 and an agent contacted my mom and invited me to come in and do a photoshoot,” Mutombo said. “I liked it and [I] haven’t stopped since.” Mutombo said she started modelingContinue Reading

Senior and Book Club president Emma Choi made efforts to shift people’s idea of what Book Club can be, which spurred an increase in both popularity and membership of the club. Choi accredited the club’s increase in popularity to her efforts to erase the common stereotype from the club’s surface.Continue Reading

Junior Danielle Brog is currently creating a hand-drawn animated short story in her IB Visual Arts class. This story is her second hand-drawn project, and although she has been working on it at school and at home since the beginning of the school year, Brog said this particular type ofContinue Reading

The Philadelphia Eagles and New England Patriots will face off at Super Bowl LII on Feb. 4. The two teams played each other in the championship in 2004, which resulted in a 24-21 Patriots victory. “The Patriots are the best dynasty in the league,” freshman Shaurya Bedi said. “They’re theContinue Reading

During the county’s winter break, construction on a new semi-permanent 12 classroom modular began in the upper parking lot behind the building. This modular takes up a large portion of the back parking lot, leaving people frustrated with the loss of their parking. “It makes it a lot harder toContinue Reading

Not fitting into the specific description for a sport or a club, dance team members have expressed the struggles they face with assimilating into the school. Despite their lack of a set niche, the team has made it to the Nationals level, and will be traveling to Orlando  this upcomingContinue Reading