The Marshall Mob sold pink t-shirts from Oct. 1 to Oct. 5 in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sophomore Isabel Church said the pink shirts are a good way to unite the Marshall community. “I feel like [Marshall] has come together as a community to support breast cancer,” ChurchContinue Reading

I literally started a new life by coming to this high school three years ago. I saw many perspectives by adapting to the school’s atmosphere and meeting new people. It was very difficult to find a way to talk and collaborate with people in Russia. Imagine your first grade classContinue Reading

I moved here from Albania in January 2017, mid-sophomore year. This was the first time in 16 years I had ever changed not just schools but also my place of residency. Understandably, this transition to a country on the other side of the planet was overwhelming at first. Marshall isContinue Reading

Every year, Marshall welcomes new students from all over the world. According to statistics from the main office, students come from 97 different countries. The administration simplifies their transition process by helping them adjust to the school environment. “We help them adapt to the new surroundings,” registrar Elizabeth Barrand said.Continue Reading

D.C. United played New York City FC this past Sunday and beat them 3-1, securing their spot in the 2018 Major League Soccer Cup playoffs next weekend. In mid-August the team ranked last place in the Eastern Conference, but they have since risen to a record of 14 wins, makingContinue Reading

“What were you doing before you came to Marshall?” I was working at the Fairfax Hospital. This is the seventh school I’ve worked in because I was temporary so I was working in a lot of schools. I was in Kent Gardens Elementary before coming here. “What’s something here noContinue Reading

“What were you doing before you came to Marshall?” I was teaching in Newport News Public Schools. “What’s something here no one knows about you?” I fostered a former student when her parent died. “What’s one item in your bucket list?” Go to the NC Devilette Final Four.Continue Reading

Located only half a mile from school, Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library offers a quiet, collaborative space for students to work in after school, but it is not as popular a spot as it should be. Marshall is made up of a lot of transfers that live anywhere from twenty minutes toContinue Reading