The addition of modular classrooms reduced available parking space, making students resort to parking on the streets outside of the Renaissance apartment complex. Residents of the complex have attempted to tow student drivers who parked their vehicles near the gated community. Safety and security specialist Steve Williams said residents feltContinue Reading

Although Latin is a dead language, it is by no means a “dead” program. Out of all of the language courses available, the Latin program is by far the smallest, with an enrollment of 89, but the culture of the program remains prominent. Latin teacher Brian Kane said he perceivesContinue Reading

Benjamin Harper: On Sept. 1, 2016, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sparked a nationwide controversy when he chose to kneel for the national anthem. But, Kaepernick’s protest is nothing new. Black athletes have always used their publicity to protest the United States government’s discriminatory policies against African Americans. FromContinue Reading

The football season, across all levels of competition, has produced a total of 11 wins and four losses, as well as injured arms, fingers, knees and heads. Injuries have affected the teams’ performance, and are forcing backup players to rise to the occasion. Specific injuries have caused the varsity footballContinue Reading

The Marshall Mob sold pink t-shirts from Oct. 1 to Oct. 5 in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sophomore Isabel Church said the pink shirts are a good way to unite the Marshall community. “I feel like [Marshall] has come together as a community to support breast cancer,” ChurchContinue Reading

I literally started a new life by coming to this high school three years ago. I saw many perspectives by adapting to the school’s atmosphere and meeting new people. It was very difficult to find a way to talk and collaborate with people in Russia. Imagine your first grade classContinue Reading

I moved here from Albania in January 2017, mid-sophomore year. This was the first time in 16 years I had ever changed not just schools but also my place of residency. Understandably, this transition to a country on the other side of the planet was overwhelming at first. Marshall isContinue Reading

Every year, Marshall welcomes new students from all over the world. According to statistics from the main office, students come from 97 different countries. The administration simplifies their transition process by helping them adjust to the school environment. “We help them adapt to the new surroundings,” registrar Elizabeth Barrand said.Continue Reading