Thanksgiving is an opportunity for people to gather and celebrate, but for those missing family members, the occasion can feel incomplete. Though the holiday offers a chance to spend time with family and reconnect, unfortunate circumstances that are out of their control can affect the celebration. Sophomore Emily Halverson saidContinue Reading

According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, more than three million people die from vaccine-preventable diseases each year. The World Health Organization reports that an improvement in the global vaccination coverage, which has remained at 85 percent for the past few years, would help avoid an additional 1.5 million deaths.Continue Reading

I started being catcalled when I was in my early teens. Maybe 15 to 16 years old. I was able to ignore it pretty well until this year, when it started happening almost every time I went on a run. During the summer, the cross country team runs long runsContinue Reading

A Rank&File editor breaks down green days, yellow days and blackout periods The most intense elements of every sport take place during competitions and practices during the season. But for every sport that competes for a single season, there are three other seasons left, providing time to train and prepare.Continue Reading

Straws are currently under fire for being a main contributor to ocean pollution. But, straws only make up four percent of the ocean’s pollution, based on space, not weight. This misconception has lead to an entire movement that has caused disabled people, who rely on straws to suffer the most.Continue Reading

Gamers had Oct. 26 circled on their calendars for months leading up to the release to Red Dead Redemption 2. Eight years prior, Rockstar Games released the prequel. They produced the first trailer in 2016 on Oct. 20, and proceeded with two-year radio silence about the game and its progress.Continue Reading

The theater department’s production of “Geek!” took place from Nov. 8 to 10 after the student holidays. This year’s fall play surrounds two outcast teenagers who seek out their comic book idol at a convention in Ohio. During their journey, Dayna and Honey come to realize no quest can hideContinue Reading