Though Jews only make up a small percentage of the Fairfax County community, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) tends to overlook the celebration of major Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah (High Holy Days). Winter break, otherwise known as “Christmas break,” has brought to my attention thatContinue Reading

Letter from the Editor Gwyneth Murphy – Editor-in-Chief In our November issue, we published an article entitled “Criminal Justice increases prop security following graphic video.” Rank&File articles go through an extensive editing process, and this story was no different. We felt justified in its publication because we conducted research fromContinue Reading

There has been a rise in the interest of veganism over the years, yet Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has not provided enough vegan options for students. The only vegan breakfast options offered by schools include apple juice, orange juice and sides of fruit. Not only are the options extremelyContinue Reading

Administration sent an email before winter break that raised concern about teachers not recording grades in the Student Information System (SIS) across various classes. According to the Fairfax County Public Schools website, one of the requirements for teachers is to enter at least nine grades per quarter. But for aContinue Reading

Starting second semester, all seniors in the IB World Topics classes will no longer take Essential Knowledge (EK) tests. The department decided to remove EKs to address the seniors’ poor essay scores, allowing them to focus on preparing for those exams instead. Social studies teacher Matthew Axelrod said seniors willContinue Reading

In order to increase safety measures for the upcoming spring season, the athletic department installed new nets and backstops on the athletic fields. The athletic department, Vienna Youth Soccer, Vienna Youth Incorporated Lacrosse and athletic boosters collectively funded the new nets that help make the fields and areas around themContinue Reading

The Gryphon Robotics team began the year with planning, designing and building a robot to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) with a new module. FIRST is an international organization that facilitates robotics competitions for grades K through 12. Under strict rules, limited resources and limited time, FRC challengesContinue Reading