While doodling on her math homework in the seventh grade, 2016 Marshall graduate Quiana Dang designed a character: a cat with human legs. When Dang was a student at Marshall, she and her English teacher Mathew Horne thought of the idea of screen-printing the catman onto t-shirts. From this idea,Continue Reading

Though county typically funds the majority of resources for the average class, academy classes must also generate their own finances for their necessary expensive supplies. The Marshall Academy consists of specialized classes that help those enrolled obtain both career experience and industry-recognized certificates and licenses in the technical field theyContinue Reading

elementary school contest Rank&File hosted a journalism contest for the sixth grade class at Lemon Road Elementary School following a visit and lesson from the editorial staff. After careful consideration, the staff selected “Sixth graders prevent imminent demise of trout” as the winner, which earned Rishika Jain a spot in theContinue Reading

  This winter, students will participate in the winter Special Olympics of Virginia to increase representation of athletes with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics is the largest global sports non-profit organization for people with mental disabilities. They offer over 30 Olympic-style individual and team sports. Senior activities director of Fairfax SpecialContinue Reading

When I used to think of my ideal college interview I hoped for a laid back conversation with a young, relatable interviewer who moves away from discussing numbers and accomplishments and gets to know the “real” me. What I have learned from the last eleven college interviews I have doneContinue Reading