Gymnasts from James Madison High School and McLean High School are practicing in one gym with the Marshall gymnastics team due to lack of room for practice. Gymnastics head coach Kristi Bzdafka said sharing space is an opportunity to observe different coaches and perspectives, which has been beneficial because ofContinue Reading

SoulCycle is not just a spin class, but a stress-free, high energy experience that prompts customers to consistently return. SoulCycle is a fitness company that offers stationary cycling workout classes. The Manhattan-based fitness phenomenon first opened its doors in 2006, and now has multiple studios across North America. “The objectiveContinue Reading

As a result of the government shutdown, furloughed government employees had to make ends meet in whatever ways they could. The recent shutdown of the federal government, lasting from Dec. 22, 2018 to Jan. 25, 2019, left employees without paychecks and invoked protests countrywide. As a result, certain school districtsContinue Reading

While the cost of private tutoring can range from 30 to 85 dollars, most schools offer peer tutoring for free. Some benefits of peer tutoring include higher academic achievement, improved social development and increased motivation. With the many benefits of peer tutoring, more students should take advantage of programs likeContinue Reading

Principal Jeff Litz removed and redistributed all color printers in November due to the high cost of color toner. Litz removed six to eight color printers from teacher workrooms out of the approximately 20 in the building. Litz said he had to pay for color ink directly out of theContinue Reading

Junior Sophie Delta began a job as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) last summer at the Cabin John Park Fire Department in Bethesda, Maryland. EMTs work alongside paramedics and care for the sick or injured in emergency medical settings. They respond to emergency calls, perform medical services and transport patientsContinue Reading

Despite the dangers of parking on George C. Marshall Drive, students who did not purchase a school parking pass still choose to do so. Perpendicular to Leesburg Pike, this road serves as both an alternative parking location and a connection between the high school and the three neighborhoods opposite toContinue Reading

Due to snow days and two-hour delays, seniors in IB science classes had limited time to work on their Internal Assessment (IA) labs. In order to help them, biology teacher Michael Osborn gave his students as much time as possible to complete their labs. “To ensure fairness, equitable access toContinue Reading

While tipping is not a mandatory gesture, restaurants and hotel chains have greatly enforced the idea that you should tip your servers for adequate to good service. As someone who has been working in the restaurant industry for a little over five months now, I have realized how important tippingContinue Reading