Imagine if the average high school student had a quarter for every day they forgot a pen or pencil. Now imagine if a school of 2,000 students had a quarter every time any teacher, student or administrator needed materials they did not have. The Richmond Convention Centre brought this simpleContinue Reading

Junior Avery Burke is ready to return to lacrosse season after sitting out the previous one due to a tear in her Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). Burke’s knee popped unexpectedly last March in the second scrimmage of the season when she went to change direction. Burke said the seven monthContinue Reading

The Fairfax County School Board Regulation 8541 requires all Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) facilities to recycle, but the extent to which Marshall does so is unclear. The U.S. Department of Education named FCPS the 2017 Green Ribbon School District due to their initiation of Get2Green in 2010, a programContinue Reading

It is hard to accept that a high school friendship may not last. But the bonds members form in youth groups such as Young Life or the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO), are lifelong. If teens took advantage of youth groups, they could form relationships that could last a lifetme.Continue Reading

  I have taken Spanish for four years, but I never fully embraced the culture or dedicated myself to the language. Studies show listening to a language greatly improves fluency and comprehension, so this week I am adopting Spanish culture to improve my language skills. Monday: I normally listen toContinue Reading

Lemon Road Elementary School participated in a rank&file contest for best article in the sixth grade, and the following story was a runner up. Recently, our sixth grade classes took a field trip to a hands-on interactive science lab called Thinkabit Labs. The trip was composed of four parts: theContinue Reading

Lemon Road Elementary School participated in a rank&file contest for best article in the sixth grade, and the following story was a runner up. Recently the flamingos were stolen from the front of the trailers. The students from the trailers made WANTED posters and hung them up in the hallwaysContinue Reading

During the month of February, counselors scheduled meetings with students to decide class options for the next academic year. The process is still ongoing due to high volume and inefficiencies.   Limited and conflicted time during the day prevent students to obtain a conference slot. Instead, I had to stayContinue Reading

Because Maple Avenue is cluttered with a seemingly random assortment of stores and restaurants, Magnolia Dessert Bar and Coffee can be easy to miss. The building may not necessarily be the most eye-catching or attractive, but the value of this restaurant, especially its originality, lies within. After entering, the settingContinue Reading

Over the school year, colleges advertise their distinct programs to students at Marshall by sending them personalized emails and mail. The college’s consulting companies share surveys, websites and tools designed to get students to apply for their school. They attract each student by targeted marketing and collecting personalized data filledContinue Reading