Instead of limiting the cast to strictly Marshall students, theatre director Bernard DeLeo cast elementary schoolers for the younger roles in the upcoming play “The Sound of Music.” The play is suitable for all ages and it follows a true storyline. “‘The Sound of Music’ is a classic, golden ageContinue Reading

The library released a compilation of data from the second quarter. The librarians collect data from the computer sign-in at the library entrance and they use the data to improve the function and effectiveness of the library. “The data does help us with budgeting and prioritizing how we spend ourContinue Reading

A part of the Friday Night Lights experience is socializing after games. From football season to basketball season, students convene at the McDonald’s on Chain Bridge Road year after year to catch up with friends. The tradition began soon after Marshall opened, as it was the closest McDonald’s to MarshallContinue Reading

For eight years, junior Iain MacKeith has competed as a road cyclist and races in national competitions across the country. He is currently a part of the team DC Velo. MacKeith said he has wanted to compete as a road cyclist before he was able to ride a bike. TodayContinue Reading

High school graduation is a celebration of 13 years of personal and academic development, and as such, it boasts hundreds of beloved traditions like walking across a stage to receive one’s diploma and adorning oneself with cords and stoles to represent various honors, achievements or awards. Our school, however, refusesContinue Reading

Over 400 schools participate in the Project LIT program to allow students, teachers and community members to obtain relevant and diverse books. Librarian Krissy Ronan recently initiated Marshall’s “chapter,” in the program. In an attempt to eliminate “book deserts,” or areas where community members are unable to easily acquire printedContinue Reading