In an attempt to be more energy-efficient, Fairfax County began installing solar panels at a variety of schools. Elected member of the School Board and representative of the Hunter Mill District Patricia Hynes said she is an advocate of all schools being carbon-free by 2050. “I hope the Joint EnvironmentalContinue Reading

The custodial staff closed the boys bathroom in the modular after unidentified students created a hole in the wall. Though custodians addressed the issue and fixed the wall the first time around, a second hole appeared within days after the repair. “Somebody destroyed the wall the first time and [custodians]Continue Reading

Marshall STEM designed the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Career Fair on April 10 to excite possible recruits about applying for jobs in the field of security, military and special investigations. But two service animals stole the show and attracted large crowds to receive pats and educate high school studentsContinue Reading

FCPS School Board member and former Marshall school president Ryan McElveen turned his high school activism ambitions into the road map for his political journey. At 33, McElveen has entered a new phase of his career this January with the launch of his campaign for Fairfax County Chairman, running againstContinue Reading

The IB math department will implement course changes next year, replacing existing post-Algebra 2 classes. The new curriculum will include two pathway options. After the completion of Algebra 2 with Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus, a student can choose to take either IB Math Analysis and Approaches or IB Math Applications andContinue Reading

In the fall of 2017, junior Mohamed Mabrouk stood in the lobby volunteering as an Arabic translator at Back to School Night. Mabrouk had moved to the United States from Egypt over the summer, and as a native Arabic speaker he was hoping to serve as an interpreter for parents.Continue Reading

While reflecting on how much her farm, “Little Peace of Heaven,” means to her, chemistry teacher Jean Hayhurst paused to clear her throat, and she started to tear up. “My farm is a labor of love,” Hayhurst said. Hayhurst’s devotion motivates her to commute two and a half hours everyContinue Reading