Before graduating, seniors Rohan Shah and Yasmina Khartami organized a senior exclusive water assassin game to bring the class closer together. In the game, Shah and Khartami assign a target to participants whom they must eliminate by the end of the round. “I first heard about water assassin after talkingContinue Reading

Marshall placed sixth in Virginia and 251st nationally on a U.S. News best high schools ranking based on exams and college readiness earlier this month. Data reveals Marshall has a 95 percent graduation rate and a 16 to 1 student-teacher ratio. Sophomore Isabel Church said Marshall should continue to improveContinue Reading

he Food and Hunger Task Force (FHTF) partners with honor societies, clubs and Marshall-affiliated bands to increase awareness of food waste and the need for food security. FHTF raised money for over 8,500 meals for children in need of summer meal assistance through the “Marshall Rocks” benefit concert. “Our threeContinue Reading

Gaining most of her popularity from her appearance on the singing show “The Four,” Zhavia Ward’s unique voice is extremely underrated. While participating in the singing competition, Zhavia stood out due to her ability to add style to different songs, unlike her competition who sang covers identical to the originalContinue Reading

When I finished watching “Us” for the first time, the film left me in a state of shock. As the film finished and the credits began to roll, I sat there in my seat with my mouth wide open in awe of what I just saw. As I got upContinue Reading