Gaining most of her popularity from her appearance on the singing show “The Four,” Zhavia Ward’s unique voice is extremely underrated. While participating in the singing competition, Zhavia stood out due to her ability to add style to different songs, unlike her competition who sang covers identical to the originalContinue Reading

When I finished watching “Us” for the first time, the film left me in a state of shock. As the film finished and the credits began to roll, I sat there in my seat with my mouth wide open in awe of what I just saw. As I got upContinue Reading

Everyone knows Patrick Mohan as an English teacher, but a lesser-known fact about him is he is also a stand-up comedian. Mohan started performing stand-up comedy in August 2015 at Eastville Comedy Club in Brooklyn, New York, and has had a total of eight performances throughout the years since. “IContinue Reading

Players on girls lacrosse teams wear goggles instead of helmets due to the comfort and general popularity of them, risking potential head injuries. Boys lacrosse players wear helmets because of different regulations that allow for a more aggressive style of play. Junior and girls varsity lacrosse player Lena Smith saidContinue Reading

After years of sleepless nights to finish assignments, months of fervently applying to colleges and days of anxious waiting, what makes it all worth it is the acceptance email from your dream college. But even after all of the anticipation, the road to college can still be far from over.Continue Reading