First came confusion, then shock and finally excitement as two friends reunited in their math class after being 7,000 miles apart. One could consider the the odds of the reunion of juniors Aysha Berry and Shirin Iqbal one in a million, as both knew each other in Abu Dhabi priorContinue Reading

When Career Center Specialist Gardner Humphreys first started counseling, superscoring for the SAT began increasing in popularity. Now, 16 years later, the ACT is offering a similar retake policy to improve students’ overall test scores. Students can also take the ACT online. The ACT consists of four sections which countContinue Reading

Students are never really alone in the hallways. Whether they are walking to get a drink of water or skipping class, security always has a set of eyes watching. “We have security cameras deployed in the hallways so during Learn sweeps or tardy sweeps, if kids are just out andContinue Reading

The Student Government Association (SGA) is organizing a winter spirit week before the break. Marshall is one of the few schools in Fairfax County Public Schools with only one spirit week and pep rally during the school year. Other schools, like West Potomac High School, hold multiple spirit weeks. “OtherContinue Reading

Most clubs and organizations use social media platforms to inform members of special dates and meetings. While school-run accounts cannot curse on social media, there are no rules preventing groups or clubs representing Marshall from posting inappropriate content. The school board has created a few regulations in order to keepContinue Reading

Rank&File has always focused on innovation and making strides in both its digital and print coverage. We have kept up with the increasingly digital world with our website, social media presence and multimedia projects. We have also always sought to report relevant stories, as well as having creative and variedContinue Reading

During my freshman year, I remember a small desk with bagels, cinnamon rolls, sausage corn dogs, orange juice cups and much more located in lower A hall. I remember walking down to the kiosk from my Spanish 2 class in lower E hall after not eating breakfast, only to beContinue Reading

After entrepreneurship students designed and advertised Marshall Mob shirts, principal Jeff Litz recalled them mid-September, claiming they were inappropriate. Though I agree the slogan “Hunting Szn” could come off as insensitive and potentially allude to school shootings, the shirts should not have made it as far in the process asContinue Reading

Freshman year marks a time of change, with students having to adjust to the new environment of high school. While a bigger, more challenging school may be an unfamiliar environment for ninth graders, of the 522 members of the 2023 class, one has called Marshall his home since 2007. ItContinue Reading

F -hall is the only ground floor hallway in the school’s main body that does not have an upstairs counterpart. While its main attractions include the cafeteria and vending machines, F-hall’s food scene has more than curly fries and bagged chips. The hall is home to the culinary program, whereContinue Reading