As her paint knife ran through the smooth pigment and across the wood panel for the last time, senior Maria Mendoza Blanco stepped back to admire her painting “Ganyemede,” one of thirty student works selected for gallery display over 970 others. Marymount University, a Catholic university in Arlington, held theirContinue Reading

When trying out for spring sports, athletes have to battle the low temperatures of late-winter weather, hindering their performance. There is no way to “tough out” the cold because playing conditions like wind, temperature and precipitation will affect any sporting event. Cold weather is not just a mindset. There areContinue Reading

Since the fall of 2016, English teachers Matthew Horne and Jonathan Super, better known as the band Toast Ghost, have hosted concerts during Learn every one to two months. While initially taking place as solo Toast Ghost shows in Mr. Super’s room, these small performances have grown to packed concertsContinue Reading

Over the last few years, new research indicates that the art of multitasking is nearly impossible, and focusing on more than one assignment at once jeopardizes the value of each. But, when a student has around three major grade-determining assignments due on the same day, the challenging skill of multitaskingContinue Reading

When I was in elementary school, every time I would travel on Leesburg Pike, construction crews working on the roof of Marshall High School always caught my eye. Particularly, large and distinct improvements and expansionsto the library fascinated me. The library renovation was one aspect, and the most noticeable one,Continue Reading

When rising freshmen first enter Marshall, they likely notice the abundance of lockers available in each hall of the school. While it may seem as though the large number of lockers are convenient for the school’s population, the only thing they do is occupy space in already crowded areas ofContinue Reading

Marshall alumnus Joe Swarm has been a part of the Marshall community for over 34 years as a student, government teacher and now director of student activities. After Swarm played on the varsity football team and graduated from Marshall in 1989, he joined the Virginia Tech football team. “By myContinue Reading