There is so much more a student can do during the pandemic than promote social distancing on their Instagram stories. However, some students’ volunteer efforts are interrupted due to fear of Coronavirus infection. Upon surveying 21 students, 19 said they have not volunteered during quarantine. Though some people may avoidContinue Reading

Junior Kendall Hymes is watching history repeat itself. While she learns about the civil rights unit in her History of the Americas class, the protesters get louder and louder about the injustices African Americans still face in the United States today.  The connections between the nationwide demonstrations and what studentsContinue Reading

For the past few months, stories of the coronavirus have flooded the news, and representatives have urged the public to stay home and take precaution. But, everything changed after thousands of people began leaving their houses to fight for equality through protests.  While two major issues are clashing with eachContinue Reading

It is despicable to value corporations over lives, yet this ideology is ingrained into American society. There has been an uproar on social media recently, not only about the unjust murder of George Floyd, but also the riots that resulted. The biggest controversy is over the destruction of property; peopleContinue Reading

As the days, weeks and months of quarantine get longer day by day, so does the hair on sophomore Andrew Perez’s head. Students have started taking risks and cutting their own hair after barbershops shut down due to health regulations presented by COVID-19. Perez said his hair has been annoyingContinue Reading