With no teacher carefully watching students as they take assessments and open access to nearby technology, the test taking process has lost much of its integrity.  IB Biology student and senior Sanjoli Jain said there were clear signs of cheating during the first test of the year, leading to theContinue Reading

With fully online learning comes major changes for both leaders and members of clubs at Marshall. Far different from listening to morning announcements, students now have to check Instagram or Schoology to find information about clubs they are interested in. History club president and senior Katherine Reback’s club held itsContinue Reading

Senior Anthony Miroff’s first ballot will not be cast at a typical voting booth. This year, along with many other voters, Miroff will be mailing in his vote for this presidential race. “It’s both more convenient for me and can help in-person voting remain safe and quick for those whoContinue Reading

Classroom discussions have gone silent. Students’ faces have been reduced to a mere profile picture on Blackboard Collaborate. Without sound or visuals, many teachers said they have become the only participants in their classes. Biology teacher Angela Rizzo said her students’ unwillingness to participate in class has left her feelingContinue Reading

It is not just a flag. It is just another reminder that Marshall never belonged to us.  Marshall was a place where “n—r,” “f—t,” and “go back to where you came from” were unsurprising to hear in the seven minutes walking between classes. Marshall was a place where my peersContinue Reading

Hackers have compromised Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) data, though the extent of the attack remains unknown. On Friday, the FCPS Office of Communication released a statement addressing the cybersecurity issue. In the statement, FCPS said the ransomware is likely the work of hackers who have been targeting multiple organizations.Continue Reading

  UPDATED 3:14pm In an email to Marshall families Friday afternoon, principal Jeff Litz said he and his staff are taking the controversial social media post very seriously, and he will begin engaging in school-wide lessons surrounding race towards the end of the first quarter.  Litz also said despite theContinue Reading